If you were arrested or charged with a felony in Bellaire, our criminal defense lawyers could tell you if you have a valid case. Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor, felony, or both, we can seek a reduction or dismissal of the charges against you.
Our goal is to seek the best possible outcome for your circumstances. We can examine the details of the criminal offense you were charged with, gather evidence, and fight for a dismissal.
Criminal Defense Cases Our Dedicated Team Can Handle
There are many criminal activities that you could be charged with, and regardless of which one, we’re ready to take a look at the evidence and see if we can help.
Take a look at some of our firm’s practice areas:
- Probation violations
- Bellaire Assault Lawyer
- Bellaire Manslaughter Lawyer
- Bellaire DWI Lawyer
- Bellaire Drug Charges Lawyer
- Healthcare defense
- Record sealing
- Unlawful carrying of a weapon
- Federal criminal defense
- Prostitution
For a legal consultation with a lawyer serving Bellaire, call 713-225-1900
How Our Team Can Serve You Following Your Arrest in Bellaire
Our team will analyze your case to determine what defense options serve you best. We will push for a dismissal if there isn’t sufficient evidence against you or the arresting officer violated your civil rights.
If not, we will use the following strategies on your behalf:
You Were the Victim of Entrapment
Not all police officers play by the rules. Sometimes, to meet their “quotas,” they may use entrapment. When an officer or agent of the state coerces you into committing a crime, it’s defined as entrapment. This is illegal and is the basis of many criminal cases in Texas.
Certain Evidence Is Not Admissible
The police may have gathered evidence at the scene without following proper protocol. For instance, suppose you were pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving. Without probable cause, there’s no reason for the officer to search your vehicle.
Anything they find could be deemed inadmissible, meaning it cannot be used or referenced in your court case.
You Did Not Commit the Crime
Sometimes, our defense strategy is simple: you didn’t commit the crime. We will interview witnesses to establish an alibi, cite your location and movements, and examine the evidence against you.
Bellaire Criminal Defense Attorney 713-225-1900
Why Work with a Criminal Defense Team Serving Bellaire?
Even if this is your first offense, your entire future is at stake. Just one blemish on your criminal record could prevent you from:
- Maintaining custody and visitation of your children
- Applying for loans, housing, and educational opportunities
- Getting certain jobs
- Passing a background check
You also risk jail time in county jail, fines, and license suspension (if you were charged with a DWI). Similarly, if you have any certifications, like a teaching certificate, an arrest can invalidate your credentials.
Offenses Add up in Texas
Suppose you’re convicted of a third-degree misdemeanor. You might think it was no big deal and only a one-time event.
However, anyone can see it unless you have the offense expunged or your record sealed. The Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) keeps public records of certain arrests online. Harris County keeps a database, too.
Additionally, if you’re convicted of another crime, this can compound your record, limiting where and how you can make a living.
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How Our Criminal Defense Attorneys Can Help You
Right now, it might feel like everyone’s against you. Our team, however, will stand by you every step. In addition to answering your questions, providing case updates, and looking for “holes” in the prosecution’s accusations, we will:
Review the Evidence Against You
The prosecution might scare you into a confession by saying they have overwhelming evidence against you. They want you to admit that you did something so they can open and close your case, even if you’re truly innocent.
We will examine the prosecution’s evidence during your case’s “discovery” phase. If we find evidence unfairly obtained or irrelevant, we will motion to have it thrown out.
Examine the Details of Your Arrest
Every arrest, no matter how complicated, must go by the books. If the arresting officer violated your rights or didn’t follow protocol, this could jeopardize the case against you.
Interview Witnesses to Supplement Your Case
Your case is more than just physical evidence; it’s also based on witness testimony. We will speak to the following parties to gain useful information:
- Eyewitnesses. If no one saw you commit a crime, then it’s your word against the prosecution’s. We will motion for a dismissal if there’s limited evidence against you.
- Experts. We may consult accident reconstruction specialists, forensic analysts, and healthcare providers to glean more information about your situation.
- Character witnesses. If you’re being accused of a violent crime, we will interview your friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors to testify to your non-aggressive nature.
Protect Your Rights
Some prosecutors will stop at nothing to secure a guilty verdict. This may involve coercing witnesses on the side, making deals with law enforcement officials, and bending legal jargon to their advantage.
Our law firm doesn’t shy away from a good fight. We will protect your rights from when your case starts until the second it ends.
Complete a Criminal Defense Case Evaluation form now
Just a Few of the “Not Guilty” Verdicts We’ve Secured
Our legal team has experience defending people who have faced criminal convictions, and we’ve secured many people a verdict of innocence. Take a look at some of the cases we’ve won, even when the odds were against our clients and us:
We Defended a Man Charged with Capital Murder
Our client was charged with capital murder. The prosecution alleged that he shot and killed a trucker that was transporting drivers.
The trucker also doubled as a DEA informant. The result? Not guilty.
We Had a DWI Case Dropped During the Trial
Our client was pulled over for driving 15 miles over the speed limit. They failed all sobriety tests and resisted arrest. The result? The case was dismissed in the middle of trial proceedings.
We Defended Our Client, Accused of Transporting Cocaine
When the police pulled our client over, they had 46 kilograms of cocaine in the car. That’s about 110 pounds.
Yet, our team persevered. The result? The case was ultimately dismissed.
Our experience defending some of the most challenging cases makes our team stand out. We can be there for you when you’re charged with a felony conviction and don’t know where to turn. You can view more of our case results on our website.
Contact Us to Start Building a Strong Defense
If you were accused of false criminal charges, our team at Blass Law in Texas is ready to defend you. Our team will start defending your rights today. With our aggressive representation, you won’t have to worry about spending months in jail for a crime you didn’t commit.
To get a free case evaluation, call us or send us a message on our website through our contact form.
Call or text 713-225-1900 or complete a Case Evaluation form