Galveston is a great place for fun in the sun, but unfortunately, for some drivers, a trip to the island ends in a DWI arrest. If you’re in this situation, it’s important to take it seriously and be proactive about fighting your case. Even if it’s your first offense, a DWI arrest can lead to jail time, the loss of your driver’s license, and fines. That’s in addition to the damage a conviction inflicts on your reputation.
Even though a first-time DWI arrest is a serious situation, it’s not a hopeless situation. A Galveston DWI lawyer can represent you in trial and fight for your rights. They can also explore alternative options to a conviction. Blass Law can help you get through this situation. We’ve been standing up for drivers accused of DWIs since 2009, and we’re ready to stand up for you, too.
What Can a Galveston Assault Defense Attorney Do for You?
Without a lawyer, it’s you against the state of Texas––literally. When you have a Galveston criminal defense lawyer from Blass Law, you don’t have to face this fight alone. You will be represented by Jay Blass Cohen, an experienced criminal defense attorney who has spent his entire legal career fighting for the rights of the accused. No matter how strong the state says its case is, Jay will work hard to get the best possible outcome.
Our first goal in every case is an acquittal or a case dismissal. We work toward that goal by fabricating a unique plan that is specific to the facts of your case. We could also negotiate for reduced charges that will allow you to continue living your life. Examples of what our team does to defend clients against assault charges include:
Handling Case-Related Communications
Prosecutors can and will use every statement you make against you–– even innocuous ones. This is why it’s so important to have an experienced defense lawyer communicate with the prosecutors for you. You don’t want to say anything that could accidentally discredit your defense.
Reviewing the State’s Witnesses and Evidence
Every case has its weak points. Whether it’s an unsteady witness or questionably obtained evidence, our team will examine every aspect of the state’s case and look for areas where we can raise reasonable doubt.
Investigating Any Mitigating Circumstances
The police may have improperly gathered evidence from the arrest scene. They might have also arrested you without reading your Miranda rights. In either situation, we can move to have the police’s evidence disregarded. Without compelling evidence, the prosecution can’t expect the jury to convict.
Representing You at Trial
We don’t just stand by your side throughout the trial; we actively fight for your freedom by cross-examining witnesses and picking apart every statement they make. Having someone in your corner during the criminal defense process can offer invaluable peace of mind. It can also offer hope that you could overcome these charges and continue living your regular life.
For a legal consultation with a first offense lawyer serving Galveston, call 713-225-1900
What Is the Threshold for DWI in Galveston?
Driving while intoxicated is defined under Texas law as being under the influence of any substance that impairs your physical and mental function. Per the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), drunk driving constitutes driving with a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.08 or higher.
The penalties for a DWI conviction can be severe, even if it’s only a first offense. DWI is a Class B misdemeanor, which could subject you to the following penalties:
- 72 hours to 180 days in jail
- A fine of up to $2,000
- Suspension of your driver’s license for up to a year
However, a first-time DWI can be upgraded in severity to a Class A misdemeanor under certain circumstances, which include:
- Having a BAC over .15
- Having a child under 15 in the vehicle at the time of the arrest
A Galveston DWI attorney from our firm will fight first for an acquittal or dismissal of your case. If that’s not possible, we can explore other options that secure your freedom.
Galveston First Offense Attorney 713-225-1900
We Employ These Defenses Against First Offense DWIs in Galveston
Using evidence and our understanding of your legal case, we may employ one or more of the following defenses:
The Police didn’t Have Probable Cause
The police must have probable cause to pull over a suspected drunk driver. If we find that the police didn’t have grounds to pull you over, we have a suppression hearing where we argue for your case’s dismissal.
The Breathalyzer didn’t Take Proper Readings
Breathalyzers measure the alcohol in one’s system when pulled over for drinking and driving. Yet, not every police officer understands the nuances of operating these devices. For instance, you generally can’t have eaten or drank anything at least 15 minutes before taking a Breathalyzer test. Doing so could yield inaccurate results. If we can successfully challenge the test’s results, we can fight for your case’s dismissal.
You Weren’t Intoxicated
If you weren’t intoxicated at the time of your arrest, the state can’t convict you of drinking and driving. Still, we need evidence to support this allegation. We may use eyewitness testimony, your medical records, and other information to demonstrate your sobriety upon your arrest.
These are just some of the defenses we may employ to secure a “not guilty” verdict. Based on your situation, we may rely on other arguments than those listed above.
Click to contact our Galveston DWI Lawyer today
Call Blass Law to Start a No-Obligation Case Review
Blass Law can start advocating for you today. We believe that a first-time DWI offense shouldn’t result in the loss of your freedom and peace of mind. With the help of our Galveston DWI team, you can rest assured knowing we’re mounting the strongest possible defense. Call now to speak with our legal team about your options.
Call or text 713-225-1900 or complete a Case Evaluation form