You should not defend against DWI charges on your own or rely on an overworked public defender. Your choice of legal counsel could dramatically impact the outcome of your case. There are different ways to approach a defense strategy in a DWI case.
Our attorney, Jay Blass Cohen, will evaluate the facts surrounding your arrest and develop a defense strategy that fits your case. Let our Pearland criminal defense lawyer with Blass Law fight back against your criminal charges.
Blass Law Will Fight Your DWI Charges in Pearland
DWI charges in Pearland are a serious matter, even for first-time offenders. An arrest and conviction could result in jail time, fines, and other serious consequences that could follow you for years. Luckily, when you have Jay on your side, you will feel confident in your legal defense. Jay is certified as an ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist, and he is prepared to provide aggressive legal representation.
The DWI penalties you face could be enhanced if you have prior convictions, there was a minor passenger in your vehicle, or you caused an accident leading to injury or death. No matter the criminal charges you face, Blass Law will handle your case by:
Seeking Dismissal
The investigation into many DWI arrests is flawed from the beginning. It is not uncommon for the police to make an arrest without sufficient evidence to convict a person. When this happens, Jay will fight to have the charges against you dismissed entirely.
Dismissal could happen by order of the court or by convincing the prosecution they lack the evidence to secure a conviction.
Trying Your Case
An important option to consider is taking your case to trial. If the state refuses to dismiss your case, a trial could be your best option. Defendants may prevail in these cases, and an acquittal means the state can never pursue your DWI case again.
Negotiating a Reasonable Plea Bargain
There are times when the state’s evidence is strong enough to warrant a plea bargain. Negotiating a favorable plea bargain could help you avoid jail time, reduce the fines you face, and limit the other consequences that come with your conviction.
Our DWI attorney in Pearland, TX, can negotiate fair plea bargains with state prosecutors.
For a legal consultation with a dwi lawyer serving Pearland, call 713-225-1900
How Has Blass Law Helped Former DWI Clients?
Jay has successfully won many DWI cases. Some of our case results include:
- Not guilty: Our client was a commercial driver who failed all field sobriety tests at the accident scene and police station. Jay fought this client’s case to secure a not guilty verdict.
- Not guilty: Jay secured a not guilty verdict for a DWI client that faced misdemeanor charges. Our client was asleep in his vehicle in the middle of the road and failed all sobriety tests. His blood test showed positive for several drugs, but Jay was able to win the case and keep him out of jail and his record clear.
- Case dismissed: Our client was driving over the speed limit and failed sobriety tests. The officer accused them of being belligerent, and yet, Jay was able to get the client’s case dismissed.
Find out how hard Jay will fight for you when you hire Blass Law to lead your case.
Pearland DWI Attorney 713-225-1900
Defense Strategies for DWI Cases
While there are countless defense strategies, there are two important options that are frequently used in DWI cases. The first involves challenging the legality of the traffic stop. The second relates to the admissibility of the chemical test results. Jay will build your case by:
Challenging the Stop
Challenging the underlying traffic stop on constitutional grounds is one of the most straightforward defense strategies available in DWI cases. You are protected against unlawful searches or seizures. When the police stop you without a valid reason, that is considered an unlawful seizure.
The police can only pull you over while driving if they have reasonable suspicion that a criminal offense has occurred. This could include signs that you are driving while intoxicated, but it could be for any kind of moving violation.
If the police stop you illegally, any evidence they secure during or after the traffic stop could be suppressed from your trial. This could include the majority of the evidence against you, including breath test results, standardized field sobriety testing results, or an admission of drinking.
Challenging the Test
Another viable option for a DWI defense is to challenge the results of a chemical test. Most DWI cases are built around the result of blood, breath, or urine tests, such as a blood alcohol concentration test. There are strict regulations that the state must follow when it comes to both procuring these samples as well as testing them.
If these regulations are not followed, it is possible that your test sample could be tainted or inaccurate. For example, it could be possible to have the results of these tests thrown out if the person that took your breath test sample was not authorized to do so.
If the state cannot account for the full chain of custody for your blood test, the results could be thrown out in that situation, too. This is important, as the result of this test is likely the strongest evidence the state has against you. Our Pearland criminal defense lawyer will look into any possible reason to challenge the tests that could lead to a conviction.
Click to contact our Pearland Criminal Defense Lawyer today
A DWI Conviction in Pearland Can Have Far-Reaching Consequences
You should take your defense seriously when facing DWI charges. A conviction could have long-lasting negative effects on various aspects of your life. For example, you may lose your job, a professional license, or your driver’s license. You could experience difficulty getting into an academic program, as well.
On a more personal level, a DWI conviction can cause a fallout with your family, friends, and colleagues. Our DWI attorney in Pearland understands that these convictions come with steep costs, so Jay will do everything in his power to secure the best possible outcome for your case.
Complete a DWI Case Evaluation form now
Work on Your Pearland DWI Case With Our Criminal Defense Lawyer at Blass Law
DWI cases are defensible. That means there are many times when avoiding a conviction for a DWI is possible. Whether we fight to secure a dismissal or win a trial, our criminal defense attorney will craft a robust defense strategy for your case.
Blass Law stands ready to serve as your advocate throughout this process. If you have questions about your legal options, we have the answers. To learn how our Pearland DWI lawyer will build a strong defense, call us for a confidential consultation.
Call or text 713-225-1900 or complete a Case Evaluation form